Air fryer cheese toastie

A cheese toastie is the ultimate go-to when you’re hungry but in a rush. An air fryer toastie is perfectly cooked throughout, and our tips ensure it’ll be one of the best you’ve ever had. Air fryers don’t just replicate deep-frying – they can also roast, bake and, in the case of this recipe, replace the good old frying pan.

If you want another quick-fix air fryer classic, try our air fryer bacon for your next sarnie.

  • Serves 1
  • Hands-on time 5 min, air frying time 7-10 min


58g (18g saturated)
34g (3.8g sugars)

delicious. tips

  1. Our top tips for the perfect air fryer cheese toastie:
    1. Butter on the inside adds richness, but mayonnaise is the ultimate toastie hack. It’s mostly oil, which helps with crisping up the bread, and the vinegar adds a little tang to cut through the richness. The egg, meanwhile, promotes a golden colour.
    2. Take the time to ensure the bread is properly spread with butter and mayonnaise – any parts untouched by either will dry out rather than turning golden and glistening.
    3. The amount of cheese you’ll need depends on the size of your bread. Always be generous rather than stingy with the amount – there’s nothing more disappointing than a bread-heavy toastie!
    4. We find a mix of cheddar and firm mozzarella to be the best toastie filler, but use whatever you like (just cheddar is fine).
    5. If you’re making more than one toastie, make sure your air fryer is big enough – you don’t want the toasties to be touching as they cook, otherwise the unexposed parts won’t crisp up.


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