Minutes with Jason Atherton

Once a protégé of Gordon Ramsay, Jason Atheron is currently head chef of the Michelin-starred Maze restaurant in London and regarded as one of the UK’s most innovative chefs. Here, he talks about why his new book ‘Gourmet Food for a Fiver’ will have you plating up like a pro in no time.

If I had to sum up my new book Gourmet Food for a Fiver in three words I’d say it’s..

exciting, inspirational and cheap.

Cooking restaurant-style food for under a fiver is possible if you…

follow the recipes, follow the seasons and follow me!

To get meals to look gourmet at home I’d suggest…

to take note of the plating tips and to be creative.

The toughest part of being a chef is…

being away from the family.

The most fulfilling part of being a chef is…

having a creative job that fulfills people’s gourmet dreams and expectations.

If cooking is my first love; my second is…


Winning a Michelin star has…

always been my long life ambition.

Working with great chefs, including Koffman, Adria and Ramsay, has given me…

a sound ground in cuisine; with Adria a peak into the future.

If money were no object I’d…

spend 12 months traveling around the world of culinary restaurants.

I’ll give up being a chef when…

the last nail goes into my coffin.

Jason’s new book Gourmet Food for a Fiver is out from 16 April.

Buy Jason’s book from Waterstone’s
