Friday cocktail: country house shandy

Barnyard is the new restaurant from young culinary genius Ollie Dabbous, whose first restaurant, Dabbous, was so popular, diners couldn’t get a table without booking months or even years ahead. It’s so good, even the late Michael Winner liked it.
There is a way to eat at Dabbous at short notice, though: go down to the industrial-chic bar, where they serve a selection of the dishes from upstairs – plus some amazing cocktails. Not a lot of people know that (as Michael Caine, who allegedly dined at Dabbous with Michael Winner, probably never said). 
I haven’t been to Barnyard yet but I know the drinks are good because the nice people there have given me a couple of cocktail recipes to try, from their shandy menu (posh shandies are big right now). Here’s the first one…
Country house shandy (from Barnyard)
25ml bourbon whiskey
25ml elderflower cordial
10ml lemon juice
50ml ginger ale
Goose Island IPA (to top up)
Shake the first four ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker, then strain into a half-pint beer jug. Top up with the IPA.

It’s rather good, innit?