What concert pianist Alexandra Dariescu really eats

In this week’s Fridge Raid interview, we quiz classical pianist Alexandra Dariescu about her eating habits – from the essential energy-boosting bite she keeps in her bag to her favourite post-concert food to indulge in.

Cycling and baking fan Alexandra lives in London with her husband, two pianos and five bikes. A professor of piano at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, she also tours internationally, performing for audiences around the world.

Alexandra tells us about what she does while waiting for the kettle to boil (#relatable), her impressive signature bake and where she recently ate the best sole meunière of her life…

What concert pianist Alexandra Dariescu really eats

Pick ‘n’ mix

What do you eat for breakfast?
First, a green tea with a teaspoon of honey, followed by greek yogurt, berries and nuts. Black coffee is a must afterwards.

What’s inside your fridge right now?
Not much, as I’m travelling! I always have pickles. If I’m home, tons of vegetables and fruit.

What snacks do you take with you on the road?
Dark chocolate and nuts.

Are there any food or drink brands that you’re loyal to?
When I’m touring and in desperate need of a quick coffee fix, I always have Ferrero Pocket Coffee – dark chocolate filled with espresso – in my bag. It’s a lifesaver sometimes!

What’s the best music to play in the kitchen?
Smooth jazz for both cooking and dinner parties.

What do you do when you’re waiting for the kettle to boil?
Reply to emails…

Is there a weird food combination that you like?
Gherkins or sauerkraut with my fish and chips.

The main meal

What attitudes towards food did you grow up with?
Food, like music, always brought a lot of joy. It brings people together. My grandma was an amazing cook; she could make a meal out of nothing.

What do you love about baking in particular?
Some of my happiest memories are about baking. Before each birthday, name day (we celebrate the day dedicated to your namesake saint like a birthday in Romania, where I was born and grew up) and big celebrations, Mum and I would bake tons of different traditional cakes, make homemade ice cream and chocolate. The delicious smell was amazing! While we baked, we talked about everything, and it made me very happy. Now I bake for fun, to my husband’s delight.

What’s your signature bake?
I’ve perfected macarons, which are not easy!

Chestnut macarons
Alexandra has mastered macarons


How does your job affect how you eat?
It affects it a lot. I try to live a very healthy lifestyle and sadly after shows there’s not much healthy food going. I’m very organised and stock up on salads and fruit. And I always have snacks in my bag.

What do you like to eat before you perform – do you have any pre-performance rituals?
Yes, and it all depends on the time of my concerts. I usually eat a healthy breakfast and a late lunch if my concert is in the evening. If it’s a matinee, I only have breakfast. I have a black coffee an hour before each show and some dark chocolate; I feel it makes me focus.

"I have a black coffee an hour before each show and some dark chocolate; I feel it makes me focus"

What’s your favourite after-show food?
A high-protein light dish, like fish or seafood, is my go-to after-show meal. It’s not too heavy to eat late at night but still satisfying. I would also indulge in a nice ice cream or a crème brûlée afterwards.

Try our chai crème brûlée for a twist on the classic


What’s the best food experience you’ve had while touring?
Restaurant Re-naa in Norway was exquisite. The food was to die for and also I was surrounded by family and friends. Company is so important!

And the worst?
The worst is being in my hotel room after a late concert and starving as there’s no more room service or Uber Eats. And all I have is nuts…

What’s the best food souvenir you’ve brought back from a trip?
My husband loves sweet spreads and biscuits, so I always bring back artisanal jams and local honey from wherever I visit. The flavours are unique and remind us of my travels.

My bite-size week

What was the best thing you ate last week?
My gorgeous friends took me to Japanese restaurant Roka in Aldwych, London, and we had the tasting menu. It was divine – the yellowtail tartare and ginger pearls in particular.

What was the most mundane meal you ate?
Porridge… It’s nutritious but not the most exciting.

What food/drink did you buy on the go?
A fresh green juice and a protein bar from a local health food store. I needed a quick energy boost.

What was your treat of the week?
Visiting Chez Roux at The Langham. I had been there before but not since Michel Roux took over. I had the best lemon sole meunière I’ve ever eaten.

Who can say no to sole meunière?


Where did you shop for food – and what did you buy?
The local supermarket: salad and tons of berries. And a watermelon bigger than my piano! I had to roll it, it was that heavy.

What did you do to relax?
I had a Thai massage – the kind where the therapist walks all over me – followed by a delicious chai latte, with milk frothed up lighter than air.

Alexandra Dariescu’s new album is out now on Signum Classics and she co-presents the Leeds International Piano Competition in September.

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