10 articles

Cook's dictionary

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Chine is butcher’s jargon, meaning to semi-detach the backbone from the ribs, and therefore making the joint easier to carve.

Cook's dictionary

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Chorizo is a type of Spanish sausage made using pork, peppers and garlic. It's unique spiciness comes from the paprika.

Cook's dictionary

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Clarified butter

Clarified butter is rendered butter once all the milk solids have been removed. When butter is melted, it separates into three layers. The top layer is a white frothy foam (the whey), to be skimmed and discarded. The bottom layer is the milk solids.

Cook's dictionary

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Couscous is a versatile cereal made from semolina and water and is a popular alternative to rice and pasta. It's often used in salads and Middle-Eastern and North African cooking.

Cook's dictionary

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A coulis is made by cooking and puréeing fruit or vegetables, then straining it through a sieve and mixing with sugar or liqueur.

Cook's dictionary

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Cavolo nero

Cavolo nero originates from Tuscany and is also know as 'black kale' or 'Tuscan kale'. It's dark green colour makes it rich in iron whilst its thick leaves makes it a great addition to soups and casseroles.

Cook's dictionary

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Capers are the buds of a bush native to the Mediterranean. They're widely available, pickled in vinegar or brine and are often served with fish.

Cook's dictionary

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Court bouillon

Court bouillon is a French liquor used for poaching fish and vegetables. The ingredients can vary but bouillons are usually fairly simple: water, wine or lemon, a bouquet garnet and salt.

Cook's dictionary

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Concassé comes from from the French word 'concasser', meaning to crush or grind. Tomato concassé, for example, is a tomato peeled and deseeded then finely chopped or diced.

Cook's dictionary

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Curry leaves

These scented Indian leaves are used a little like bay leaves in Western cooking and have an aromatic – almost citrusy – flavour.

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