“I do like a glass of milk!”: How milkwoman Tracey really eats

In this week’s Fridge Raid, the delicious. interview series with the nosiest food questions, we’re on the road with milk delivery pro Tracey Matson, who lives in Chippenham with her sister Lorraine and patterdale terrier Fletch.

Tracey’s father was a herdsman and she began delivering milk aged just 19 – the vocation she continues today, delivering six nights a week for Milk & More from her Ford Transit float (with a peanut butter sandwich in tow).

She spills on the treat she buys every Saturday night, the unexpected bestseller on her recent rounds – and her opinion of plant-based milks. Plus: what she thinks about being called a ‘milkwoman’…

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“I do like a glass of milk!”: How milkwoman Tracey really eats

Pick ’n’ mix

What’s your order at the pub?
A pint of IPA. I do like my beer. But I don’t drink much, because of my work.

Do you take snacks on the road with you when delivering?
I take sandwiches, usually peanut butter or Marmite. And always a flask of coffee.

When was the last time you went out to eat – and what did you have?
About a month ago, for a Chinese meal. I usually have a chow mein. My niece was home, so my two sisters, my niece and I went out.

Are there any foods you can’t stand?
Liver and mashed potato. I think it must stem from childhood. Just the thought of it… It’s definitely a no-no for me.

What did you grow up eating?
On a Sunday it’d be a roast dinner. During the week Mum would be cooking up a pie or something like that. And always fish and chips on a Friday night.

Fish and chip Fridays were a family tradition for Tracey


The main meal

What’s your current delivery routine?
I’m in the yard about 10.30 at night and out on the round about 11.15. I’m usually home by seven o’clock in the morning. It’s night work, but it’s what I’ve always done, so I enjoy doing it.

What’s your favourite part of your round?
I like the quietness of it. You’re out there on your own, which I like. And the wildlife I see.

What do you listen to – do you have the radio or music on?
No, I like to get on with the round. If I’m on a long journey I’ll listen to the radio, but when I’m delivering I don’t bother with it.

How does your job affect how you eat?
My eating pattern’s all over the place. I get home and watch a bit of TV, then have breakfast about 10.30am. I’ll have a sleep, get up about half two, eat about half four and then go to bed. So, my eating pattern is not the best, but it doesn’t bother me. I’ve got used to it.

"My eating pattern’s all over the place, but it doesn’t bother me. I’ve got used to it"

What’s been the biggest challenge in your job?
The shops. Once they started selling milk a lot more, you did notice a drop off. We are more expensive – there’s no two ways about it. But people forget that you’re paying someone to deliver it, to put a van on the roads – it all mounts up.

Why is it worth getting milk delivered?
You know it’s going to be there first thing in the morning. And I personally think it’s good value for money because, like I said, you’ve got the cost of everything in that. Over the years it has gone up, but it’s not that big of an increase compared to other things. But people don’t look at it like that, which I can understand.

Do you feel a sense of pride in your work?
I suppose I do, really. I like to take care and do things right. I like to add things up properly – and put it down nicely, not just dump it.

You don’t just deliver milk – what else is popular?
We do a lot of juices. Yogurts, butter, cream, cheeses. Now, more stuff has come on board, from biscuits to toilet rolls. And we sell a lot of compost! It’s quite heavy, so people don’t have to take it up their own driveways.

The million-dollar question: do you like milk?
I do like a glass of milk! Especially an ice-cold glass.

What’s your opinion of plant-based milk?
To be honest, I don’t think much of it. I was brought up on cow’s milk and that’s what I prefer.

It’s hard to beat an ice-cold glass of milk (cookies optional)


What’s it like being a woman in this field?
I’ve never had any problems. I’ve always got on well with people and if I need something lifting onto the van, they lift it on to the van for me.

What do you make of the name ‘milkwoman’ – are you happy to be called it?
Yeah – it doesn’t bother me one little bit. That’s what I am!

My bite-size week

What was the best thing you ate this week?
I made a Mediterranean quiche off the top of my head with peppers and courgettes in – that was nice.

No recipe was necessary for Tracey’s quiche triumph


What was the most mundane meal you ate?
Chicken and chips. I bought the chicken and just put some chips in the oven for something quick before I had to go to bed.

Did you buy any food or drink on the go?
No – I never buy anything when I’m out on the milk round.

Where did you shop for food?
My sister does the shopping and goes to Morrisons. Sometimes as a special treat we go to M&S to get a few things. I like their pizzas.

What was your treat of the week?
I always get a chocolate bar on a Saturday night – usually a Cadbury bar. Typically the classic, but sometimes I might get the caramel one…

What did you do to relax?
We just finished watching Under The Banner Of Heaven, a true crime drama series, which was good. At the weekend I get home from work and cut the lawn and that sort of thing, then take it easy. Because I only have one night off a week, I try to make the most of it.

Tracey is part of Milk & More, which delivers fresh milk and everyday essentials to doorsteps across the country.

Got a pint of sour milk? Here’s how to put it to good use in the kitchen.

Peek inside how a teacher or nurse eats day-to-day with more Fridge Raid reads – and sign up to our Wednesday newsletter to have a new interview delivered to your inbox each week.

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