Are you eating too much salt?

Too much salt in your diet can lead to high blood pressure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer and could worsen asthma.

Adults and teenagers should eat no more than 6g of salt per day; children even less.

Recommended salt intake per day

Adults: 6g

11-14 years: 6g

7-10 years: 5g

4-6 years: 3g

1-3 years: 2g

7-12 months: 1g

0-6 months: less than 1g


1. Don’t add salt to your food at the dinner table.

2. Avoid processed foods, including sweet treats, which can be just as high in salt as savoury food.

3. Eat more fruit and vegetables, which are naturally low in salt.

delicious. magazine recommends that

serving of food you consume contains no more than 0.5g of salt. For low-salt recipes, go to the

delicious recipe page

and search for the low salt option in the dietary dropdown box.