Naked fish burgers

Naked fish burgers

Capers, parsley and lemon bring zing to these lighter-than-light fish burgers that are ideal for fast days if you’re following the 5:2 diet.

Naked fish burgers

Stuck for low-calorie meal inspiration? Check out our 5:2 diet recipe collection and start drooling…

  • Serves icon Serves 1
  • Time icon Hands-on time 25 min

Capers, parsley and lemon bring zing to these lighter-than-light fish burgers that are ideal for fast days if you’re following the 5:2 diet.

Stuck for low-calorie meal inspiration? Check out our 5:2 diet recipe collection and start drooling…

Nutrition: per serving

2.2g (0.4g saturated)
14.6g (1g sugars)


  • 200g sustainable white fish fillet, finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp cornflour
  • Finely grated zest and juice
  • ½ lemon, plus wedges to serve
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley, plus extra to serve
  • 1 tbsp capers, coarsely chopped
  • Spray oil
  • 25g cucumber, cut into ribbons (easiest to use a Y-peeler)
  • 3 little gem lettuce leaves
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  1. Mix the fish with the cornflour, most of the lemon zest, the parsley, capers, and some salt and pepper. Using damp hands, shape the mix into 1 large or 2 small burgers (see Make Ahead).
  2. Heat a few sprays of oil in a non-stick frying pan or griddle pan over a medium heat. Add the burger/burgers and fry/griddle for 4-5 minutes on each side until golden and cooked through.
  3. Toss the cucumber ribbons with the lemon juice and remaining zest.
  4. Arrange the lettuce on a plate with the burger/s and cucumber, then sprinkle with some parsley and serve with lemon wedges.


Nutrition: per serving
2.2g (0.4g saturated)
14.6g (1g sugars)

delicious. tips

  1. Scale it up: Double or triple the quantities to make more burgers as required.

  2. Make the burgers up to a day ahead, then cover and chill. Or freeze, wrapped, for up to a month (check the fish wasn’t frozen before). Defrost, then continue from step 2.

  3. Ideal for fasting days, these burgers come in at under 230 kcals per serving. On non-fasting days, serve the burgers in a wholemeal bun with a heaped tbsp of guacamole (190kcals extra) or tzatziki (170kcals extra).

Buy ingredients online

Recipe By:

Sophie Austen-Smith
Former deputy food editor, delicious.


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